XXVI. DIDMATTECH 2013 nemzetközi tudományos-szakmai konferencia 2013. december 4-7

A konferencia részletes programja itt olvasható: http://didmattech.selyeuni.sk

University of West Hungary - Apáczai Csere János Faculty in Győr

J. Selye University – Komárno

Trnava University , Trnava

Károly Eszterházy College Eger

Department of Technology and Information Education, Pedagogical Faculty UP, Olomouc
Department of Physics, Mathematics and Technology Faculty of Human and Natural Sciences, Prešov University, Prešov
Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Radom
Institute of Technology, Rzeszow University, Rzeszow

Pedagogical University of Cracow

Commenius – Pedagogical Institute of J. Selyeho University


invite you to the International Scientific and Professional Conference

XXVI. D I D M A T T E C H 2013

organized under the auspices of the rector of West Hungary University

Prof. Dr. Sándor Faragó

04 th - 07 th December 2013

Apáczai Csere János faculty - University of West Hungary in Győr

Aim of the conference

The aim of the conference is to introduce the latest findings from the field of material science, technologies and production, also including education, information and communication technologies. Further purpose is to enable the participants to present the results of their own scientific research and professional activities with a special focus on the didactical aspects of education.

The conference is designed mainly for teachers who teach subjects in the area of materials and technologies at different schools, or use modern digital technologies and ICT in education, also for doctoral, postgraduate, and for talented students.

A reviewed scientific monograph in the category AED/AEC with ISBN and brief summaries of the lectures given at the conference by the invited speakers along with the selected contributions of the participants which give original scientific results will be published after the conference. The summaries may be published in any of the languages used. The contributions of those authors who have not been able to attend the conference will be published in the monograph for a special fee.

Scientific guarantor of the conference

prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.

The international programme committee of the conference

prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc., J. Selye University, Komárno, SK, chairman

prof. Ing. Ján Stoffa, DrSc., J. Selye University, Komárno, SK, honorary chairman

prof. Mgr. Ing. Ondrej Baráth, CSc., Nitra, SK

prof. dr hab. inż. Henryk Bednarczyk, Institute of Sustainable Technologies, Radom, PL

doc. Ing. Jana Burgerov á, PhD., University of Prešov, Prešov, SK

prof. Ing. Pavel Cyrus, CSc., University of Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové, CZ

m. prof. Ing. Igor Černák, PhD., Catholic University, Ružomberok, SK

prof. dr hab. Waldemar Furmanek, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, PL

prof. dr. Zolt án Horváth, PhD, Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest, HU

doc. PhD. Miroslav Chráska, Ph.D, Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ

dr hab. inż. Kazimierz Jaracz prof. UP, Pedagogical University of Cracow , PL

prof. dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Kiedrowicz, Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom , PL

dr. Lajos Kis-Tóth, PhD. Károly Eszterházy Collage , Eger, HU

dr. Krzysztof Kraszewski, Pedagogical University of Cracow , PL

doc. PaedDr. Jiří Kropáč, CSc., Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ

doc. Ing. Martin Mišút, CSc., University of Trnava, Trnava, SK

prof. PaedDr. Jozef Pavelka, PhD., University of Prešov, Prešov, SK

doc. dr. Zoltán Póor, PhD., University of West Hungary in Győr, HU

dr. Inż. Elżbieta Sałata, Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom , PL

doc. Ing. Čestmír Serafín, Dr. Ing-paedIGIP, Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ

prof. Ing. Petr Skočovský, DrSc., University of Žilina, Žilina, SK

doc. Ing. Igor Štubňa, CSc., Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, SK

doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD., J. Selye University, Komárno, SK

prof. Ing. Ladislav Várkoly, PhD., Institute of Technology in Dubnica nad Váhom , SK

prof. Dr. Walter Theuerkauf, Technology University, Braunschweig, D

prof. dr. rer. nat. Horst Wolffgramm, DrSc., professor emeritus, D

Invited speakers:

Invited speakers will be designated later by the topics of registered lectures.
Preliminary topics

  • Materials, technologies, technical devices, production, metrology,
  • Modern teaching and learning technologies and ICT in education
  • New technologies in teaching particular subjects
  • E-learning and distance study
  • Virtual classrooms and virtual laboratories
  • Software creation, programming and new technologies of its teaching and learning
  • Common problems of modern education
  • Mathematics, informatics and computer science
  • Economics and management
  • Ecology and environmental

Preliminary Programme

4 th December 2013

Accommodation, Registration

5 th December 2013

9:00 – 17:30


Conference Opening Ceremony

Lectures of the invited speakers

Lunch Break

Lectures of the invited speakers

Contributions of participants of the conference in parallel sections

18:30 Welcome party

06 th December 2013

8:30 – 18:00

Contributions of participants of the conference in parallel sections

Lunch Break

Contributions of participants of the conference in parallel sections

07 th December 2013

Excursion (according to the participants’ interests)

Planned program:

    • 09:00 am. City tour and excursion to the university



Conference place : University of West Hungary in Győr, Apáczai Csere János faculty,

Accommodation :

a) Student hostel of Szécsényi University in  Győr ( 9026 Győr, Mészáros Lőrinc u. 18-20), in 2- and 3-bedrooms. Th e orientation price for accommodation in a separate room is 25,- € per person per night, for accommodation in double or triple room 10 - 15,- € per person per night. The participants pay the accommodation fee in cash at the registration.

b) Hotel Famulus **** 9027 ( Győr, Budai út 4-6). 2-bedsrooms with breakfast (for 1 person in room: 13.300 Ft or 49 EUR/ night, for 2 persons in room: 16.600 Ft or 59 EUR/night)

Food/Meals: in Apáczai Csere János faculty dining room . The lunch price on 05 th and 06 th December as well as the welcome party dinner on 05 th December, 2013 (in Hotel Famulus) is included in the conference fee.

Instructions for abstract preparation for the conference abstract proceedings book-instructions will be sent by electronic mail for their authors and also will be available on the conference website.

Instructions for writing the contributions authors will get along with the notice of its acceptance. They also can be found on the conference website.

Conference fee : 75,- € ( includes organizational fee, fee for the abstract proceedings, the fee for proceedings book, the fee for 2 lunches, 1 dinner and refreshments during breaks). Foreign participants can pay the conference fee in cash during presentation. Authors who are unable to attend the conference but wish to publish their papers in the proceedings book, shall pay a special fee 40,- € for a range of 6 pages of proceedings book format (A5), for each extra page 5,- € . If a registered participant for any reason will not participate in the conference, the conference fee will not be refunded, but the author or the organization may send a substitute.

Proceedings will be published after the conference. The organizers reserve the right to exclude from publication in the proceedings book those papers which will not be recommended for publication by the reviewers, or will not be composed properly by the compulsory guidelines for publication.

Conference languages : English, Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, Esperanto, German, Polish, Russian (except for the first four languages sections will be opened only in case of sufficient number of participants. There is no language related restriction for publication in the proceedings). Taking into consideration the international nature of the conference, preference of English is recommended.

Other interested persons may become familiar with the results of the conference by the conference proceedings, which may be also requested abroad through interlibrary services (mandatory copies, ISBN).

Recommendation : We recommend attendance to make a copy of your binding registration form in case of any complaints.

Mandatory application of annotation contributions please send until 04. 11. 2013 to the following address:

PaedDr. Krisztina Czakóová

XXVI. DIDMATTECH 2013 electronic application forms, abstracts

Univerzita J. Selyeho and contributions have to be send to:

Bratislavská cesta 3322, didmattech@selyeuni.sk

945 01 Komárno, Slovakia


For payments made by bank transfer please choose from our bank account details listed below:

The conference fee should be paid to account COMENIUS

3871534001/5600 Dexia – Prima banka Slovensko a. s. pobočka Komárno,

Variable symbol: 0507122013 with postscript DIDMATTECH 2013 and the participant name

Foreign participants can pay to account COMENIUS

IBAN : SK66 5600 0000 0038 7153 4001,

BIC bank code: KOMASK2X,

Variable symbol : 0507122013 with postscript DIDMATTECH 2013 and the participant name”,

Payment should be made to our account until 25 th November 2013.

Information can be obtained from: didmattech@selyeuni.sk

PaedDr. Krisztina Czakóová, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Economics,

J. Selye University, Bratislavská cesta 3322, 945 01 Komárno, Slovakia.

Special note:

Current information about the conference as well as the electronic application form can be found at:




Deadline for registration: November 04 st, 2013 – for participants with contribution

November 25 st, 2013 – for participants without contribution

Filled registration forms should be sent at the address of Organising Committee:



Please prepare your abstract according to the attached abstract template (on website): http://didmattech.selyeuni.sk/
Deadline for abstract sending: November 04 th, 2013
You will be notified within a one week by the conference secretariat that your abstract has been received and accepted for publication in Book of Abstracts.


From received manuscripts will be selected the bests for publishing in the Proceeding book. Other papers will be published in conference proceedings book . Each paper is limited to 6 pages of proceedings book format (A5), for each further side pinned 5,- € . Please follow the manuscript template on website:

Proceedings will be published after the conference. The organizers reserve the right to exclude from publication in the proceedings book those papers which will not be recommended for publication by the reviewers, or will not be composed properly by the compulsory guidelines for publication .

Deadline for manuscript sending: November 25 th, 2013

Some manuscripts will be selected by scientific committee.. Accepted manuscripts of these selected papers will be reviewed and published in the reviewed Proceedings book.

Payment should be made to our account until 25 th November 2013.



for XXVI. International Scientific Conference DidMatTech 2013

University of West Hungary in Győr , 04 th - 07 th December 2013

Participant details

Name and titles:

Address: Town: Postcode:

Country: Tel: e-mail:

I will take a part in the conference

  • personally, with a contribution
  • personally, without a contribution
  • I am interested only in having my contribution published in the proceedings book.


Town: Postcode: Country:

For each participant must be a separate application form! !!


If you do not plan to attend the conference, please forward the application to another potential participant.

I'd like to reserve accommodation:


Number of persons in the room:

Accommodation :

1. H-Famulus****

2. Szécsényi Hostel

Night from 4. 12. 2013 to 5. 12. 2013




Night from 5. 12. 2013 to 6. 12. 2013




Night from 6. 12. 2013 to 7. 12. 2013




Night from 7. 12. 2013 to 8. 12. 2013




The names of roommates :

Conference participant:



1. H-Famulus****: 2 -bedsrooms with breakfast (for 1 person in room: 13.300 Ft or 49 EUR/ night, for 2 person in room: 16.600 Ft or 59 EUR/night)

2. Szécsényi Hostel: 2- and 3-bedrooms .Th e orientation price for accommodation in a separate room is 25,- € per person per night, for accommodation in double or triple room 10 - 15,- € per person per night.

Mandatory order of the food :



welcome party

5. 12. 2013



lunch :


5. 12. 2013


6. 12. 2013


I confirm my application for welcome party on 5. 12. 2013 yes/no


Date: Signature of participant :


A nnotation of contribution :

Author(s) :

Title of paper in a language which will be presented at the conference:

Title of paper in English :

Abstract of the paper have to be prepared by the patter on the conference web-site .

The electronic application form and abstract sent to: didmattech@selyeuni.sk

Instructions for completing:
Fill up to date information on the blanks on the form!!!

The number of rows in the tables can be adjusted as necessary!!!


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