
Esemény neve Second Danube Region Strategy Conference in Győr
Időpont 2018. Április 17. 09:30 - 14:30
Kategória Központi események
Típus Rendezvények
Helyszín Széchenyi István University, Room ÚT 114

The Antall József Knowledge Centre and the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung cordially invite you to the "Second Danube Region Strategy Conference in Győr - Focusing on Tourism and Landscape & Security Cooperation". The aim of the event is to evaluate the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and discuss future possibilities in the wider Central European region.



10am – 10:30am KEYNOTE SPEECHES
- Gábor Jenei, National Coordinator of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary
- Professor Dr Péter Földesi, Rector, Széchenyi István University
- Veronika Antall-Horváth, Deputy Director, Antall József Knowledge Centre

10:30am – 11:45am TOURISM AND LANDSCAPE
The first panel of the conference is connected to Priority Areas 3 ‘Culture & Tourism’ and 6 ‘Biodiversity and Landscape’. Successful projects will be introduced including DANUBEPARKS involving protected areas along the Danube from Bavaria till the Danube Delta and programmes linked to the sustainable water management and tourism in the Austrian-Hungarian-Slovak border region.

11:45am – 12pm COFFEE BREAK

The second panel will focus on projects and current issues related to Priority Area 11 ‘Security’ of the EUSDR which intends to foster the cooperation in combating various types of cross-border organised crime and creates frameworks of cooperation between police forces of the Danube Region.

1:15pm – 1:30pm CLOSING REMARKS
- Martin Kastler, Representative of Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary; former Member of the European Parliament

1:30pm – LUNCH

The organisers reserve the right to change the programme.

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